I have been using Craigslist for a very long time, before I moved from Alaska I used it to sale most of the stuff I didn’t want. I made pretty good money in 2 days. I was able to even pay for my ticket and my over weight bags at the airport. It was pretty cool, before that I sold other random stuff and even posted ads that help me start my whole website designer career. I didn’t have a single problem with it; the best thing about craigslist was that it was free for marketing or to sale junk.
Places like Ebay classifieds would ask for a fee, normally it isn’t much. If I’m not mistaking its $30 dollars for 30 days, which means $1 dollar a day to have your business market to X amount of users, Facebook also has a way to market your business for a cost as well. There are other ways to market but most ways require the business owner to pay someone or something money.
Everything now a day’s cost money and nothing in this world seems free. I’m sure one day we’ll going to get tax for the air we breathe.
So beside being free and its crappy elements which include:
- An ugly design [Which it has none]
- Spam and fake garbage listening
- Can’t really search what you’re looking for
- It’s not organized
The issue seems that Craig doesn’t care about the website really and the reason is simple. It’s making money. That money is going into his pockets. Why fix something if it’s not broken right? The same idea that made CL successful was applied to other websites like plenty of fish which I like to call plenty of losers.
These websites developers knew that it wasn’t about the style of the page; it was about how it worked and what it had to offer. Which was to connect a person to person, however I’m not here to type a review on craigslist, and I’m writing this so people will stay away from it. Like I wrote earlier that craigslist wasn’t that bad before. But after seeing how these so call experts treat people I think mighty craigslist needs a reality check.
So it’s free to post a listing I get it, but because it’s free does it mean that there shouldn’t be any control over these so call forum users. You might be asking yourself what the hell am I talking about? Well if you have a problem on Craigslist you’ll notice that there isn’t really a help feature or a way to contact them directly unless you look a little deeper. There is an area where you can reach out to a “real CL employee” hopefully. However normally you’ll notice they have a forum. It’s a very out dated type of forum where you’ll see other users having issues with their listings that they posted.
Some might have a basic issue like “why did my post get taken down?” another would ask “why was my post taking down in 2 mins”. You get the idea by now, so these people might not be computer experts or are new to the whole posting game. So ask yourself this if Craigslist makes so much money why would they depend on random joe blows to help other users for free?
In today’s tech world everyone has dealt with a troll or in other words some annoying no life person. You ask for yourself why this person doing this. Why are they causing these problems? Why, why, why and why?
Normally this internet is a wall for a lot of self entitle weird people. The internet is a protection to them and you’ll run to one sooner or later in your internet life style. But offering something “FREE” where someone can go on and instead of helping people they go and bash other users or even go as low to name calling. Surely you might be wondering if these people are adults.
With craigslist who knows really! They act like 7 year old brats.
Here are some screen shots of what I’m talking about and of course with the link so you can see firsthand just how people are treated by just asking a few questions or seeking help.
Keep in mind that these people aren’t getting paid for this; they’re just normal people who have a lot of time in their hands and stay on CL all day long just trolling people. Now why isn’t CL doing anything about this? They’re making a ton and I mean a ton of money, don’t you think they would get to the bottom of this?
Here is a good example; this person was trying to post an ad in the relationship area. For some reason CL kept taking their post down. So they went to the forum and started asking questions. Long story short it ended up into a debate about this person being a man or woman. Also it seems that one of these so call expert started insulting this person for no reason but clever enough they took their messages away so no one can read them. However his friends jumped into topic to save their home boy and started protecting their friend telling the person seeking for help that she can’t do anything about it and there is no need to get upset over a few insults.
Those tiny insults were about this person’s personal business. Like about their driver license and if it show if they’re male or female.
As you can clearly see the only thing you can do is hopefully your flag will help. But because they all know each other there is nothing the user can do. It’s almost like a little tiny CL mafia or basement dwellers.
Here is another thing, for CL expert gurus they don’t like when you prove the CL rules, because they’re above that, they’re above the CL law lol see what I did there?
So the point is, you won’t get any help here, why because this piece of garbage is dead. There is no reason to even bother posting anything on CL unless you’re trying to get rid of something. Don’t even get me started if you’re looking for work on CL. Ask yourself this, if the company is too cheap to pay to post their job at a hiring company website or use anything else but CL. Do you want to work for them? Chances are they’re going to lowball you and you’re going to get screwed.
Maybe back then things were different and they were but in today’s CL market, let me tell you it’s a joke and you’re just setting yourself up for disappointment.
Here is another one; a guy try to sale a car part or something, the guy wrote a FAQ so people that ask the same questions might be able to have an answer to their questions right away. However his posts “offend” people because a FAQ makes the post to long?
Here is the stupid thing about this, and it’s pretty funny. Who came up with this rule? Surely it wasn’t CL themselves because if that was the problem then they would add a limit to words that can be written on a post. I believe if you’re selling a car part or a computer part or anything that has a ton of stats people need to know this. Because here is why, if this man wrote 2 lines about let say this car part or his car then they’ll say “well it doesn’t have enough information and we have to flag it and it’s a scam lawlz”.
But you want to know what kind of replies he got from the CL experts?
Then they start attacking him because he didn’t add a company name, right now looking at CL there are ton of ads that don’t have a company names. Even when you search for work most of these ugly posts don’t even have a company name.
Who the hell gave these guys access to reply to other people?
Do you see where I’m going with this?
Here another fact of detail if you’re wondering why you’re post is really getting deleted or taken down. This is what they won’t tell you.
There are people on CL who use bots or software that changes or mask their IP. So they won’t need to make 12 or 30 different accounts. So they go on someone post/listing who they don’t like or they see as a problem because that person is marketing the same product. They will go to your listing and flag you until your post is dropped.
This software also will take down your ads and repost them for you automatically.
You don’t believe me? Google it and you’ll see.
That’s part of the problem, the other problem is these pin heads that think they run this so call free website.
In the end of the day Craigslist destroy itself and people should just stop using it and move on to a different platform. I think the times where things that were free were kind of useful are dead. If more people stood up and stop using CL then it will change trust me.
In the gaming industry people are starting to stand up and enough is enough and some developers are changing their ways. Others are still being bull headed but things have to start from somewhere or by someone.
Money talks and if their money is hurting they’ll start listening pretty fast and make fast changes.
At the moment I use facebook because for 5 bucks I can reach out 2000 people if I want to market something to a direct group of people and location.
I’m not a fan of the facebook platform but it’s been alright so far.
The best thing I can tell you that free stuff sometimes sucks.
I’m sure a lot of people are going to get salty but that’s fine, the thing most of those salty people are the ones botting in the first place or are just CL fanboys. Whatever the case may be this is what has been shown lately and what is happening as of today.
Do your research and stay frosty.
1337Pro out.